{Summer Programming Internship}

Apply here until: 8 April 2024






What do you need to know?

This program is open to students who are currently enrolled at an accredited university in Cluj-Napoca.

Internship Coding Test (On-site):

13 April 2024

Internship period:


Paid Internship & Possible employment afterwards.

Further details will be provided via email upon registration.

Benefits of Working in a Dynamic Software Development Environment

Variety Beyond Debugging

Developing against buggy interfaces, poor code, and badly-designed data models stifles creativity and drains the enjoyment from software development.

Immediate Feedback Code 

Write code knowing it will reach thousands of clients, marketed professionally, allowing firsthand feedback on the impact you're making.

Continuous Learning 

Continuously learning and innovating, you'll master new technologies, refine skills, and cover all scenarios, improving existing products or crafting new ones.

Feasible Deadlines 

Escape the endless grind caused by unrealistic deadlines set by out-of-touch corporate figures; enjoy a balanced work-life schedule.

Casual Environment 

Embrace the freedom of working in a comfortable setting, ditching the corporate attire for a more relaxed dress code in a spacious workplace.

Empowered Voice

Your ideas are valued, and any concerns you raise are taken seriously, fostering a culture of open communication and mutual respect.

Join our flexible and fun team!

Hey there! Dive into the future of work with us, where our young and vibrant team thrives on creativity and open chats.

With the freedom to adapt and the coolest tech at our fingertips, we're all about making work awesome. Ready to jump in?

Let's innovate and have some fun along the way!

Welcome to our internship program!

Engage in Exciting Projects and Maximize Your Opportunities

Music Festival, AI and Healthcare, Dental Platform, Business Platform, Planning Platform