case study

Electric Castle: Creating an E-ticketing Platform

Electric Castle, a renowned music festival revered for its exceptional day and night experiences, relentless quality, and artist appreciation, partnered with BitStone, a software development company, to create a custom e-ticketing platform that elevates the festival experience for attendees worldwide.

The Challenge

Electric Castle sought to enhance the festival experience by creating an advanced e-ticketing platform that would streamline ticket sales, cater to a global audience, and offer additional functionalities to engage attendees and foster a sense of community.

The project required BitStone to ensure a seamless ticket-buying experience for over 2,000 users per second attempting to purchase passes and maintain a fully functional site during the festival days, despite being accessed by an equally high volume of users. The project encompassed managing the online store for tickets and merchandise, as well as the entire server infrastructure needed to operate a high-traffic e-commerce platform.

The Solution

BitStone and Electric Castle formed a collaborative partnership to develop a robust e-ticketing platform leveraging the Magento e-commerce platform. A dedicated team of 3-4 developers and testers, led by the Technical Lead of BitStone's e-commerce team, spearheaded the project development. This team's expertise ensured the delivery of a high-quality, user-friendly platform with various advanced functionalities.



Angular, JSjQuery, Bower, Grunt


PHP, Magento, MariaDB


Selenium, QMetry, Chalk, Puppeteer, Postman, JIRA

Main Features and Benefits

Multi-language Support

Recognizing the festival's global audience, the platform catered to attendees by offering multiple language options. This feature likely increased accessibility and improved the user experience for international festival goers.

Discount Code Functionality

The platform incorporated a discount code functionality, allowing Electric Castle to offer promotions and cater to different ticket tiers or demographics. This could have enticed new attendees or rewarded loyal ones.

Voucher Redemption System

To enhance promotional efforts, the platform included a voucher redemption system. This enabled Electric Castle to partner with sponsors or collaborate with other businesses to offer bundled packages or special deals.

Donation Option During Checkout

The platform offered a seamless donation option during checkout, allowing attendees to contribute to a charitable cause aligned with Electric Castle's values. This fostered a sense of community and social responsibility among festival goers.


The success of the e-ticketing platform is exemplified by the positive experiences of Electric Castle's global festival goers. The platform's multilingual functionality likely broadened the festival's reach, while the discount codes, voucher redemption system, and donation options contributed to a more inclusive and engaging experience.

The platform also includes a feature that allows free changes to ticket identification data within 48 hours, further enhancing attendee flexibility and contributing to higher customer satisfaction. 

This project's focus on innovation and user-centric design may have garnered recognition within the music festival industry, solidifying BitStone's reputation for excellence in e-commerce development.

Key Insights

The collaboration between BitStone and Electric Castle resulted in a groundbreaking e-ticketing platform that streamlined the ticketing process, catered to a global audience, and fostered a more inclusive festival experience.

This project serves as a testament to BitStone's capabilities in developing feature-rich e-commerce solutions that elevate user experience and contribute to the success of its clients.

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